Attorneys at Law
As expert trial lawyers we are there for our clients every step of the way during the case, helping them understand what to expect, formulating a winning legal strategy, and tirelessly fighting to win them the compensation they deserve.
Dies & Parkhurst is a highly respected law firm known for getting excellent results for clients. We have built our reputation by winning tough cases, achieving optimal outcomes, and never giving up on our clients.
Dies & Parkhurst understands that it can be tough for the general public to know whether they have a good case or not, and what kind of compensation they can expect from it. That’s why we are pleased to offer free consultations to advise potential clients about their personal injury cases
Construction is routinely listed in official reports as being among the most dangerous jobs in the US. However, just because there are known risks does not mean that accidents, injuries, and deaths are at all acceptable or that they should be tolerated. If you or someone you love has been involved in a construction-related accident […] Continue Reading...
United States law falls into one of two major categories: criminal law and civil law. Civil law involves disputes about non-criminal matters such as property, financial compensation for an injury or other wrongs, and civil contracts. By contrast criminal law involves legal cases that could result in jail time, hefty fines, or both. Individuals who […] Continue Reading...
By their very nature explosions and fires are sudden, intense, and usually life-changing for anyone caught in their wake. Victims are commonly left with severe, often permanent injuries and may also be left reeling from the emotional and psychological impact as they try to figure how to move forward with their lives. Considering the heavy […] Continue Reading...
The family is at the heart of American Society. It is the family that raises and nurtures the next generation and that also cares for the elderly or disabled. However, though the bonds that unite a family are seldom actually destroyed, they are often rearranged as the family unit grows, shrinks, or reinvents itself. The […] Continue Reading...
There are an estimated 95,471 miles of coastline in the United States. Thus, it is no surprise that right from our earliest days as a nation, and continuing into present time, a major source of our economy has depended on seafaring vessels and the goods and cargo they transport. For the most part American ships […] Continue Reading...
Just about everyone has heard the horror stories of otherwise healthy people checking into the hospital for a minor procedure, or even having the procedure performed outpatient, and then suffering devastating, even life-threatening complications. Fortunately these incidents are the exceptions rather than rule, but that may be little solace for the victims and their families. […] Continue Reading...
Texas is renowned for its rich natural resources, in particular its abundance of crude oil and natural gas. Oil is even occasionally referred to humorously as “Texas Tea.” It is unsurprising then that so many hard-working Texas families rely on the oil industry to make their livings. However, unfortunately given the dangerous nature of oilfield […] Continue Reading...
If you or someone you love has recently suffered a personal injury you are almost certainly reeling from the effects. This is a painful and difficult time and unfortunately there isn’t any way to change what happened. However, it is possible to receive justice for the wrong that you have suffered and in doing so […] Continue Reading...
When most people think of danger they think of sudden, spontaneous events, of accidents, assault and crime, or acts of nature. If they consider disease at all it is probably in the context of a virulent outbreak or an epidemic. However, the frightening reality is that an equally dangerous, much more pernicious threat may be […] Continue Reading...
Though the exact number varies year by year, according to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) between about 30,000 and 40,000 Americans die every year due to motor vehicle accidents. Hundreds of thousands more are injured, often very seriously. This in turn often leads to medical bills piling up while the victim […] Continue Reading...
For workers who are injured in the workplace by far one of the best recourses they have, and also one of the best known, is workers’ compensation. Workers’ compensation is designed to help workers and their families by providing compensation for medical expenses and partial wage replacement while the employee is recovering and unable to […] Continue Reading...
There are few things as tragic as a life cut short due to a wrongful death. This is particularly true if the deceased leaves behind children, a spouse, siblings, close friends, and other family members. These loved ones are then left reeling from the tragedy, trying to make sense of what happened to cause the […] Continue Reading...
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